Improving Urban Storm and Sanitary Water Systems Health and Resilience through Low Impact Development: An Analysis of Bioretention and Sand Filter Basins Media
Visiting Scholar of CAPES School of Advanced Studies 02 May, 2019, 17h, CeTI-SC, USP 1 São Carlos
With support of CAPES and FAPESP, with associated participation of Brazilian (EESC-USP, UFPE, UFCG, CEMADEN, EMBRAPA, IIE, IAG-USP) and foreign universities of all continents, the CAPES SASW&SC is launched in 2018 leaded by the EESC-USP. Also, SASW&SC has alliance with the National Institute of Science and Technology for Climate Change Phase 2 ( and the FAPESP Research Centre for Research Innovation & Communication (CEPID) of Applied Mathematics for Industry (CeMEAI;, and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Investigation (INCLINE,
Short Bio – Originally from Porto Alegre, Brazil, Marcio earned his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Brasilia and a master’s in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from the Institute of Hydraulics Research at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He then moved to the United States to pursue a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Water Resources from Texas A&M University. In January 2013, he joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UTSA. His long term goal is to develop and sustain a career as a teacherscholar focused on methodologies that identify effective water management strategies that enhance the sustainability of the built and natural environments, and transform this knowledge into action by training the next generation of water planners and managers with state-of-the-art knowledge and tools.Â
Note:Â after the speech, a discussion on UTSA-USP Double Diplome Initiative will be shared with the attendees.Â